For planning purposes, accompanying baggage allowance is restricted to 50 pounds per individual if evacuation is by air. An additional 135 pounds of luggage per individual should be packed and readied to go as this will be accompanying hold baggage if evacuation is by land. Every effort will be made to forward this extra 135 pounds of baggage as soon as possible if your evacuation is by air.
Primary means for notification of and information on emergencies will be the Citizens Band Joint Alert Notification Net (JANO). If you have your own CB radio all JANO broadcasts will be via Channel #9. If you have been provided with a U.S. Mission owned "walkie-talkie", this receiver should be tuned to Channel "A". The Mission CB Model 310A is equipped with a converter and should be plugged into a 110V socket. Periodic tests are conducted over the JANO system. If you have reason to believe your set is not working properly, please inform your General Services office. This will be back-stopped by instructions issued through office supervisors and by the use of the area system. A where-abouts file of all Americans in Laos is maintained by the Mission in connection with the JANO system.
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